Last Updated on April 21, 2024 by Saira Farman

In a world in which the majority of people carry phones in their pockets every day and are often told that we do not need to master abacus maths. A lot of people believe being able to calculate, subtract, multiply and divide numbers in our heads is not necessary today, when a calculator, phone or computer could do the job better.

So, why do we teach students mental maths? What’s more important is it still an important skill to be teaching? Simply put, yes! Although calculators are an excellent technology, they also offer numerous advantages of having good mind maths abilities.

These are the 3 most crucial reasons for your child to develop their mental maths abilities. We’ll also provide the top three tips our maths tutors utilise each day!

What Makes Abacus Maths Strategies So Important?

Today, we all carry calculators within our purses (mobile phone) and around the wrist (smart watches) so why is it important for children to be taught the strategies of mental arithmetic?

The ability to think clearly and solve maths problems is the most important factor for gaining a greater understanding of the mathematical processes and calculations. We all know how to borrow trade or carry numbers as subtraction and addition using the formulas we learned in school, but do we actually have a greater comprehension of what we are doing?

Establishing A Solid Foundation Why Should You Start With Maths In The Mental Age?

Children begin to learn mathematical concepts before they enter school, and often before they begin formal schooling. The curriculum instructs students in the year 1 class to begin learning mental maths strategies.

Kids are taught maths in a playful way that is engaging and helps develop confidence. If a child believes that they can do maths well, they will keep practising and, as a result, increase their mathematical abilities. Mental maths training aids children in developing their focus, memory and problem-solving abilities.

The most significant aspect of establishing a solid mathematical foundation is that it enhances children’s understanding of numbers and mathematical concepts, not only recalling the steps they must follow. They don’t just know how to perform their tasks, but also the reason for doing it.

It’s not an issue of understanding the steps required by an algorithm to solve a problem, but knowing why we take these steps. Children are unable to comprehend written algorithms since they are unable to follow these steps properly.

In the event that they’re trained to a greater understanding of maths, which mental maths are mean, the steps become easier to follow and the calculations, even when using large numbers, become more efficient and more simple to complete.

It Sounds Great, But What Are The Tactics They’ll Be Learning?

Children begin to master abacus strategies that relate to subtraction and subtraction prior to beginning to learn division and multiplication strategies.

1. Mental Maths Can Provide A Greater Understanding Of Calculation

Imagine you’d like to purchase 4 sandwiches per 14 people. You take out your calculator and begin typing 4 14. But, while you’re typing, your fingers slip and you enter 4 x 144. Calculator provides you with 576.

If you’ve got good mental maths skills, you’d probably spot something strange. Based on your personal knowledge of how multiplication works it is reasonable to conclude that 576 was way over the limit of sandwiches. So, you can enter the equation into your calculator once more and receive the correct answer that is 56.

If you do not pay attention to mental maths and rely on the calculator, your tiny error could result in a disaster! Imagine purchasing 576 sandwiches, when you only required 56! This is particularly relevant for students who use too many calculators for their exams and may lose important marks.

2. Mental Maths Is Essential In Tests That Do Not Require Calculators.

As it happens the current system of education demands that students complete the majority of their tests without calculators. We have the option of pulling out our phones to look at our work.

But, students are expected to depend on their own capabilities to add, subtract, multiply, as well as divide the numbers.  Even though the majority of students are taught methods to calculate sums on paper. The ability to swiftly perform sums in their minds will help them save precious minutes or seconds in exams.

When taking multiple choice tests mental maths can make your life simpler. It is a fast way to narrow down the answers that are likely to be correct. It also helps figure out which ones aren’t which makes it much easier to pick the correct answer.

3. Mathematical Thinking Is Applicable In Real-World Situations

Being able to rapidly calculate complex amounts is also an essential ability to have in your life. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying determine how much your shopping cart costs or how you can split the cost at a dinner event, or working out the number of boxes you’ll have to put in your food items in or figuring out how much you’ve got to spare after having made purchases, using mental maths can help you make decisions simpler.

Through the development of strong mental maths skills at the age of 3 they are able to develop other abilities and solve maths-related questions in their daily lives. It’s never too early nor too late to begin teaching your child the fundamental skills they’ll require to be successful throughout their maths education.

What Does Mental Maths Help You Build An Enduring Foundation?

When students start school, and typically before they enter formal school they are expose to maths concepts. Mental Maths strategies must introduce at the start of the first year in school. The idea of mental maths taught to children in a fun way that is engaging and builds their confidence.

It’s the case that a child who believes that they are able to succeed in abacus maths is more likely to continue working.improve their maths abilities. Apart from improving their concentration as well as memory. The problem-solving skills, mental maths also helps children improve their problem-solving and memory abilities.

The development of a solid mathematical foundation for children is crucial because it assists children in understanding. The relationship between numbers and concepts in a conceptual way rather than simply learning the steps they have to follow.

Alongside understanding how to accomplish something, they also find out the reason behind. Understanding the steps of an algorithm to resolve the problem is more than simply knowing the steps. It is important to understand why these steps are made.

Children who have to memorise steps from written algorithms can be a challenge because they don’t know how to finish them in a correct manner. The mental abacus maths that helps to develop an understanding of the process that makes the step-by-step process understandable and calculation is quick and easy, even with huge numbers.


Abacus maths classes aren’t just about following a standard for all procedures. Variety of “tools” to choose from and being able pick and apply the right tool in order to resolve equation. It is important to be aware that we shouldn’t make our students use tools that don’t work for them.

It’s vital to introduce a variety of methods, and then instruct them separately to enable the students to master them. Allow students to select the one that is most effective for them as an individual.

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Ghiselle is a UK-based professional blogger, content writer, and content marketer who writes about travel and tourism, finance, real estate, and other topics on his blog. Passionate about writing, traveling, and getting the best deal on everything he buys, Oliver also writes for customers and helps them publicize their products and services in the US and UK markets. He is a traveler who has visited over 35 countries and loves his job because it allows him to find stories, experiences, and places he can share with his readers.