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Last Updated on April 1, 2024 by Jawad Ali

A blood clot forms in the brain when a blood vessel ruptures and fills with blood, obstructing an artery. When this occurs, the brain may be deprived of oxygen because the blood supply is cut off. This can induce brain cell damage and potentially result in death.

While some individuals may endure a minor bout of this condition without symptoms, others may develop more severe problems, such as seizures or death. But even before these things occur, there may be certain warning indicators you should be aware of. If any of these symptoms are present, you should seek treatment for a blood clot in the brain. You can take the treatment from Best Neurology Hospital in Jaipur or form Best Cardiology Hospital in Jaipur.

Blood clots are blood aggregates that are typically generated following an injury to prevent blood loss. However, what if a blood clot forms within your blood arteries and impedes blood flow? It may out to be quite hazardous. Two forms of blood clots exist: Thrombosis and embolism.

Let’s examine the causes and treatments for such brain blood clots through reading.

Variations of Blood Clots

Thrombosis is the creation of a blood clot when a damaged and blood-filled blood vessel in the body ruptures. This might be caused by any type of trauma or medical condition. These blood clots do not move.

An embolism happens when a foreign item obstructs an artery. This can occur when a blood clot, clotting material, or even tissue obstructs the artery. Typically, these blood clots migrate from their initial location to another region of the brain.

Symptoms of a Brain Blood Clot

Intense and recurrent headaches – You may have persistent head discomfort. Even if you’re physically inactive, your brain will continue to perceive pain and suffering. Blood clots can also cause sudden headaches, pressure in the head, and numbness across the face and body.

Sudden difficulties such as slurred speech – As your brain is deprived of oxygen, it will sustain damage, which will impact your speech. You may find that your speech gets slurred or slower. These speech difficulties may be an indicator of a blood clot in the brain.

Vision impairment – Vision impairment is one of the early signs of a blood clot in the brain. When your brain is deprived of oxygen, it is impaired and you may have fuzzy vision. You may see that the scene in front of you is foggy or unclear.

Uncontrollable motor functions – As your brain continues to deteriorate, you may experience involuntary shaking or tremors. As the obstruction worsens, these symptoms may begin as modest but intensify.

When the blood clot reaches a particular size, it might trigger convulsions. Typically, these seizures are brief, but they can occasionally be protracted and severe.

Vertigo – When your brain is oxygen-starved, you may suffer vertigo. You may experience dizziness or even fainting.

As the blood clot grows, it may induce paralysis. Depending on the location of the blood clot, it may induce immediate paralysis in various bodily regions.

What are the causes of blood clot development in the brain?

Several variables, including, can contribute to the formation of blood clots.

Obesity – Obesity is one of the leading causes of brain blood clots. Fat cells are more prone to clotting, and a high body mass index (BMI) increases the chance of developing a blood clot in the brain.

Tobacco usage – Tobacco use damages blood vessels and is one of the leading causes of blood clots. Smoking reduces the amount of nitrogen oxide (NO) in the blood. Additionally, it might induce thrombosis and embolism in the blood arteries, which can contribute to hypertension.

Contraceptives – Contraceptives can cause a blood clot in the brain. It can influence the release of oestrogen in the body, making you more susceptible to blood clots.

Studies indicate that brain trauma can result in a blood clot in the brain. Often, head trauma results in bleeding in the brain, which can lead to a blood clot.

Plaque – Atherosclerosis is the hardening of arteries caused by the buildup of fat and calcium in the blood vessel wall. These plaques may become disorganised. Consequently, platelets may form clots at the location of the injury.

Diagnosis of Brain Blood Clot

Blood testing – The physician will do a blood test to search for indicators of a blood clot in the brain. It will search for protein in the circulation, which will indicate bleeding in the brain.

Ultrasound – A brain’s size and form may be evaluated with an ultrasound scan. This may provide information on the location and origin of the blood clot.

CT scan – CT scans can be used to detect brain blood clots. They are more precise than other imaging techniques and can give additional information about the blood clot’s composition.

Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) – MRAs may be utilised to get pictures of blood arteries and detect any blockages or abnormalities. It may also be used to analyse the blood flow in the brain and search for the blood clot’s origin.

V/Q scans – V/Q scans can be used to determine blood oxygen levels. In addition to measuring arterial and venous blood flow, it may also detect any blockages or clots in the blood arteries.

Treatment of cerebral blood clots

Anticoagulant pharmaceuticals

This therapy for a blood clot in the brain comprises that thin the blood and prevent clotting. People with a history of blood clots and strokes caused by blood clots are prescribed this medication. Your physician may prescribe anticoagulants and antiplatelets, such as warfarin, to prevent the formation of further clots.


Thrombolytics are medications that dissolve blood clots swiftly and are provided in emergency situations such as stroke. Instance – heparin

Mechanized Thrombolysis

Mechanical Thrombectomy is the operation performed to remove the blood clot in the brain. A gadget fitted with a mesh can be utilised to remove the blood clot from the brain’s main artery.

Brain surgery for clots of blood

Your physician may recommend surgery to remove blood clots. Generally, there are two types of brain surgery used to remove blood clots:

Burr hole drainage – This surgery includes creating a tiny hole in the skull in order to drain the blood clot and relieve pressure on the brain.

Craniotomy – In a craniotomy, a portion of the skull is removed to drain the blood clot and then replaced.


The symptoms of a brain blood clot are varied. Paralysis can be caused by anything from little annoyances like slurred speech to a full-blown stroke. Consult a physician at a reputable hospital like Max immediately if you are experiencing these symptoms in order to receive correct blood clot in brain therapy.

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William Davis is a medical doctor with a passion for promoting overall health and well-being. With over 20 years of experience in the medical field, William has worked in a variety of settings, from hospitals to private clinics. He is dedicated to educating his patients and the public about the importance of preventative health measures, such as healthy nutrition, regular exercise, and stress management. William has written extensively on topics such as chronic disease prevention, mental health, and the role of lifestyle in overall health. His mission is to empower individuals to take control of their health and make positive changes that lead to a better quality of life. When he's not working with patients or writing, William enjoys hiking, playing golf, and spending time with his family.